
 澳洲伯斯] Perth 交通資訊介紹分享~ 初次來Perth必讀



 先說明一下澳洲Perth的交通,有機場Shuttle Bus, Train, Bus, Cat Bus(Free), Ferry(船)等,可以讓你快速的在Perth遊走,不論是背包客、一般遊客都很適用,也初到Perth的你,省去查交通的時間,寶寶溫(bobowin)就依順序在為大家介紹。

1. 從機場往返市區的Shuttle Bus,T1是國際航廈,T2~T4是國內航廈,發車地點在T3航廈,如果T1, T2的旅客則須搭24小時服務的free terminal transfer bus到T3航廈,票價每人15AUD/單趟,關於車班時間可以參考 (每年都會變動),另外有個好消息要提供,T1~T3航廈終於有Wi-Fi可以使用了

下面是Shuttle Bus停靠站

1. East Perth train station
2. WA Museum, Beaufort Street
3. Opposite the YHA Backpackers Hostel, Wellington Street
4. The Kings Perth Hotel, corner of Pier Street and Hay Street
5. Ambassador Hotel, Adelaide Terrace

更多資訊可以見Perth Shuttle Bus網站:

Perth Shuttle Bus路線圖:




2. Shuttle Bus以外的交通,無論是Bus, Train都是依Zone來收費,票的種類如下

FASTANDARD --> 一般民眾買的票。 
CONCESSION --> 優惠票,專賣給 老人,殘障,學生等,背包客無緣><
DAYRIDER --> 一日券,當天隨便你搭到哪邊,上車出示給司機看就行,一張 11.6AUD。 
FAMILYRIDER--> 此票是假日移動最佳的選擇,一張票最多可供兩個大人與兩個小孩共四個人使用。所以若要當天長程距離移動,又是兩人以上,買這張票是非常值得的,所以在安排旅程時,可以把長途的排在可以使用FamilyRider的時間,它只在 weekends and public holidays有販售。

SMARTRIDER --> 類似台灣的悠遊卡,香港的八達通,適合長期待在Perth,一張SMARTRIDER CARD (工本費: 10AUD,內無金額),購買票價就是以 85折計算。如果跟你的銀行帳戶做連結,直接從帳戶扣款,那票價就會以75折計算,






買Zone 1~4的票,則2個小時內可以當做來回票坐。


買Zone 5~8的票,則3個小時內可以當做來回票坐。



下面是Transperth Zone的分區: 


分區票價: 每年都會變動,也可參考



3. 知道票價與票種類,先來介紹火車的路線,基本上在市區都是搭BUS,但要去南邊的Rockingham看企鵝,或 Frematle港口吃海產逛市集,都是搭Train比較方便,下面是Train system Map,比較知名Joondalup Line上的Joondalup,Fremantle Line上的Subiaco站的黃昏市場、Cottesloe站的沙灘、Fremantle站的假日市集與新鮮海產,Mandurah Line上的Rockingham看企鵝。火車的時刻可參考--> 點連結


4. 到西澳不能不知道的的免費貓公車,這可是背包客最好的朋友,共有三個地方有Joondalup (CAT205) , Perth (CAT203) , Fremantle (CAT204), 

Joondalup CAT 

The Joondalup CAT route is a free, high frequency service that operates around Joondalup CBD and educational precinct. Operating times are listed below.


Route description
Service information

 Route 10  (Red)

Joondalup Station to Joondalup Station via Lakeside Dr (Anti-clockwise).

Operates Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays) on a 15 minute frequency from 7.23am to 5.53pm.

 Route_11  (Blue)     

Joondalup Station to Joondalup Station via Lakeside Dr (Clockwise).

Operates Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays) on a 15 minute frequency from 8.00am to 6.00pm.

 Route 13 (Yellow) Joondalup Station to Joondalup Station via Edith Cowan University. Operates evenings only Monday to Thursday on Edith Cowan University days only.


Joondalup CAT Map 

Perth市區內有4種顏色的Cat Bus,相關規定如下: 

Perth Red CAT


The Red Cat travels in an East-West loop from Queens Gardens in East Perth to Outram St in West Perth. The operating times are listed below.


Operating times
Service frequency

Monday - Thursday(excluding public holidays)

  6.00am - 6.30am
  6.30am - 7.30pm

Approx every 10 minutes
Approx every 5 minutes

Friday   6.00am - 6.30am
  6.30am - 7.30pm
  7.30pm - 9.00pm
Approx every 10 minutes
Approx every 5 minutes
Approx every 15 minutes


  8.30am - 7.00pm

Approx every 15 minutes

Sunday and Public Holidays*   8.30am - 7.00pm

Approx every 15 minutes




Perth Green CAT


The Green Cat operates between Leederville Station and Esplanade Busport via City West, West Perth and St Georges Terrace. The operating times are listed below.

Operating times
Service frequency

Monday - Friday (excluding public holidays)

  6.00am - 6.30am
  6.30am - 7.30pm

Approx every 15 minutes
Approx every 8 minutes



Perth Blue CAT


The Blue CAT travels in a North-South loop from the Barrack St Jetty to Northbridge. Operating times are listed below.

Operating times
Service frequency

Monday - Thursday (excluding public holidays)

  6.50am - 7.30pm

Approx every 8 minutes

Friday (excluding public holidays)

  6.50am - 7.30pm
  7.30pm - 1.00am

Approx every 8 minutes
Approx every 15 minutes


  8.30am - 1.00am

Approx every 15 minutes

Sunday and Public Holidays*

  8.30am - 7.00pm

Approx every 15 minutes



Perth Yellow CAT


Operating times
Service frequency

Monday - Thursday (excluding public holidays)

6.00am - 7.00am
7.00am - 7.30pm

Approx every 15 minutes
Approx every 8 minutes

Friday (excluding public holidays)

6.00am - 7.00am
7.00am - 7.30pm
7.30pm - 9.00pm

Approx every 15 minutes
Approx every 8 minutes
Approx every 15 minutes


8.30am - 7.00pm

Approx every 15 minutes

Sunday and Public Holidays*

8.30am - 7.00pm

Approx every 15 minutes




Perth Cat Bus Map:  也有支援即時顯示貓公車所在的網頁,請見


Fremantle Red CAT


Operating times
Service frequency

Monday - Thursday (excluding public holidays)

7.30am - 6.30pm

Approx every 15 minutes


7.30am - 8.00pm

Approx every 15 minutes

Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays*

10.00am - 6.30pm

Approx every 15 minutes


 *No service on Good Friday, Christmas and Boxing Day.  


Fremantle Blue CAT


Operating times
Service frequency

Monday - Thursday (excluding public holidays)

7.30am - 6.30pm

Approx every 10 minutes


7.30am - 8.00pm

Approx every 10 minutes

Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays*

10.00am - 6.30pm

Approx every 10 minutes


*No service on Good Friday, Christmas and Boxing Day.



Fremantle Cat Map


5. Circle Route Bus: 循環在較大區域的Perth,收費以2zone收取,固定時間發車由AM06:00~PM09:00,班距約10~15分一班


6. Ferry: 往來Swan Bell與Perth Zoo之間

船班時間: 請下載PDF(

Perth的主要交通,就寶寶溫說的這樣,當然市區還有許多付費BUS可以搭,任何關於Perth的交通問題都可以上 查詢。另外,華人在Perth渡假打工的人很多,關於機場的接送也可以參考( 


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