

英語練習  訂房與住宿



1. May I ~
 2. Could you ~
 3. Would you ~
 4.Shall I ~?


1.自己要做什麼事時,就使用May I

May I have your name, please? 請問尊姓大名
May I have your check-out time, please?請問您什麼時候結帳離開?
May I see your passport, please?請讓我看一下您的護照好嗎?
May I know your nationality, please?請問您的國籍是什麼 ?

2.麻煩客人時,可使用Could you

Could you fill out the form, please?請您填寫這張表格好嗎?
Could you write that down, please?請您寫下來好嗎?
Could you draft the fax, please?請您寫下傳真的草稿好嗎?
Could you hold the line, please?請不要掛電話好嗎?

3.詢問客人的喜好或是做什麼時,可使用Would you

Would you like tea or coffee?請問您要喝茶還是咖啡?
Would you like to take a taxi?請問您要搭計程車嗎?
Would you mind sitting here?請問您介意坐在這裡嗎?

** 只要在疑問詞後加“Would you ~”,就可以提出大部分的詢問。

When would you like to have lunch?請問您想在哪裡用餐?
What time would you like to eat?請問您想何時用餐?
Who would you like to contact?請問您想和誰聯絡?
Which kind of ro​​om would you prefer?請問您喜歡哪一種房間?
How would you like to settle your bill?請問您的賬單如何處理?
How long would you like to stay?請問您要逗留多久?
How many tickets would you like to buy?請問您要買幾張票?

4.在提供建議協助、徵求意見時,可使用Shall I ~ 或Would you like me to do ~?

Shall I draw the curtains?請問需要我把窗簾拉上嗎?
Shall I draw you a map?請問要我為您畫一張地圖嗎?
Shall I make the reservation for you?請問要我為您安排預約嗎?

Good morning. (用於中午以前)
Good afternoon. (用於中午至下午六點以前)
Good evening. (用於下午六點過後)


Good morning, sir. Are you checking-out?早上好,先生,請​​問您要退房嗎?
Good afternoon, sir. Welcome to LI JIA Hotel.中午好,先生,歡迎光臨麗嘉酒店
Good evening, Ms. May I help you?晚上好,小姐,請問我能為您服務嗎?
如:Good morning, sir. This is the Front Desk. May I help you?


I see, sir. 我明白了,先生。
Certainly, sir.好的,先生。


Just a moment, please.請稍等。
Thank you for waiting.您久等了,先生。
I am very sorry to have kept you waiting.很抱歉讓您久等了。
Could you wait a little longer, please?請您稍候好嗎?不好意思,先生,麻煩讓我過一下。4.道歉

6.交給客人某些東西時,可以說Here you are.您要的東西在這裡。

Here is your room key.這是您的房間鑰匙。
Here it is.這是您的東西

Have a nice day.祝您有美好的一天。
Please enjoy your stay祝您住宿愉快。
We hope to see you again soon.希望不久能再次見到您。
Thank you for staying with us.謝謝光臨。


Pardon me?對不起?
I beg your pardon?對不起請再說一遍好嗎?
Could you repeat that, please?請您重複一遍好嗎?

Excuse me, sir. Do you mean you lost your room key?
“Information Desk speaking. May I help you?”



resort 渡假村、渡假中心
retreat hotel
 hotel 旅館
boutique hotel
 guest house
 B & B hotel (bed and board )(bed and breakfast)

 apartment 短期出租公寓(3~7天)
motel 汽車旅館
hostel 廉價旅舍
youth hostel(YHA)(YWCA)(YMCA-Young Men's Christian Association)
 budget hostel
 budget backpacker hostel
 backpacker hostel
 budget accommodation
 capsule hotel 膠囊旅館(日本)
caravan and camping park 廂車屋和露營區
trailer park


A : hello, I would like to make a reservation for tomorrow night, please.
B :  Sure, what kind of room would you like?

A : A dorm room, please.
B :  For how many people?

A : for 5 people, please.
B :  All girls?

A : no, we are 3 girls and 2 guys.
B : Is a mixed dorm allright for you?

A : Yes, that would be fine.
B :  for how many nights?

A :just one night, please.
B :  Can I have your name and credit card number to keep the reservation?

A : Of course, my name is Aaaaa-Bbb Cccc.
   First name is A A A A A- B B B (拼出單字)
   Surname is C C C C(拼出單字)
   And my credit number is 1234-5678-9876-54321
B :  What is the expiration date of your credit card?

A : That is December 2009 ( two thousand and nine).
B :  When will you arrive?

A : We'll be there around 5 pm.
B :  Cool, we'll see you then. bye.


● check in就是報上大名,說明有預約,然後確認給錢囉.....

 @ I'd like to check in, please.
 @ My name is  Eddie Lee .
 @ I have a reservation under Eddie Lee .

# Please fill out the registration card and let me check your passport.

收費時除了房費外,也可能會多收一個押金( deposit/ key deposit)
 #The total is $$$$$$ plus 20$ key deposit, plese.
 We will return the deposit when you check out.

 ● check out就繳回鑰匙拿回押金就可以了
@I'd like to check out, please.


@Thank you very much.
 I really enjoyed my stay here.


@I'd like to change my reservation, please.

@ Can I stay two more nights??
 @ May I extend my stay until next monday?

@ I'd like to check out a day earlier.


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